2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'drexel university'|Drexel University College of Medicine Thinks I am un-smart

About 'drexel university'|Drexel University College of Medicine Thinks I am un-smart

Ever               watch               that               old               television               series               Doogie               Howser?

Well,               sometimes,               truth               is               a               little               stranger               than               fiction.

According               to               Associated               Press               news               reports,               Washington               State               native               Courtney               Oliver,               a               10               year               old,               has               completed               an               online               college               course               and               is               now               enjoying               work               as               a               veterinary               assistant.

Though               qualified               to               be               a               doctor               of               Veterinary               Medicine,               her               young               age               keeps               her               at               the               assistant               level.

But               this               doesn't               phase               Courtney               in               the               least               as               she's               doing               what               she               really               enjoys               --               working               with               animals.

When               asked               what               lead               her               to               choose               a               career               as               a               vet,               Courtney               stated               she'd               wanted               to               help               animals               for               a               long               time               and               that               "I               have               a               dog               Maggie               and               two               hamsters               and               I               just               thought:               'Well,               if               I               have               so               many               animals               why               don't               I               just               work               with               them?"               South               Bay               Veterinary               Hospital,               Olympia's               Dr               Michelle               Shoemaker               serves               as               Courtney's               friend               and               mentor.

At               the               hospital,               Shoemaker               and               Courtney               can               often               be               seen,               side               by               side,               working               together.

Some               at               the               hospital               have               joked               that               it's               tough               to               tell               the               two               apart               when               they're               wearing               their               surgical               masks.

About               Courtney,               Dr.

Shoemaker               says               --               "She's               amazing.

She's               a               wonderful               girl.

Always               been               so               bright,               very               very               smart               actually."               Courtney               seems               to               share               this               sentiment               with               her               mentor.


Shoemaker               and               I               are               like               twins,"               Courtney               said               in               an               interview               with               CNN,               "We               just               love               animals.

We               just               wanted               to               do               this               because               this               is               our               thing."
               A               few               years               older               than               ten               and               still               want               to               be               a               vet?

Don't               worry,               you're               in               a               comfortable               majority.

My               wife               is               just               now               awakening               to               her               love               for               animals               and               is               taking               the               first               steps               on               the               road               to               becoming               a               veterinary               assistant.

Perhaps               she'll               take               some               inspiration               from               young               Courtney.

But               though               Courtney               is               in               the               headlines               today,               she's               not               the               only               young               prodigy               to               grace               the               pages               of               national               media.

In               recent               years,               a               number               of               other               child               and               teenage               prodigies               have               come               to               the               fore.

The               story               is               often               the               same               --               these               youngsters               decided               what               they               really               loved               to               do               and               didn't               take               no               for               an               answer.
               For               example,               at               the               age               of               only               7,               Adora               Svitak               published               her               first               book               --               Flying               Fingers               --               in               2005.

A               guest               on               ABC's               Good               Morning               America,               Adora               impressed               audiences               with               both               her               literary               ability               and               her               humanity.

As               an               author,               I               can               really               appreciate               Adora's               accomplishments.

For               my               part,               it               took               me               ten               years               to               write               just               one               book               so               I'm               amazed               at               this               girl's               accomplishments.

Another               child               prodigy               author               was               Christopher               Paolini               who,               according               to               CNN               new               reports,               began               penning               his               popular               epic               fantasy               series               --               Inheritance               --               at               the               age               of               15.

Paolini               says               he               was               inspired               by               his               dreams               about               dragons               and               his               desire               to               create               a               living               story               out               of               his               imagined               experience.
               Child               prodigies               don't               confine               themselves               to               the               fields               of               writing               and               medicine,               however.

They               can               be               found               in               all               walks               of               life               and               throughout               much               of               modern               history.

Ever               sing               the               song               'Twinkle               Twinkle               Little               Star?'               This               tune               was               composed               by               none               other               than               Wolfgang               Mozart               at               the               age               of               five.

Other               more               recent               geniuses               include               Alia               Sabur               who,               according               to               Wikipedia,               left               public               school               at               the               fourth               grade,               graduated               summa               cum               laude               from               the               State               University               of               New               York               at               Stony               Brook               at               age               14               and               is               now               attending               Drexel               University.

Her               field               of               specialization?


Another               child               scientist               Korean               Kim               Ung-yong               began               attending               college               courses               at               the               age               of               4               and               had               received               a               PhD               in               Physics               from               the               University               of               Colorado               by               the               time               he               was               age               14.
               Because               many               adults               struggle               their               whole               lives               and               often               fail               to               accomplish               what               many               child               prodigies               do               with               seeming               ease,               they               are               often               both               visible               and               celebrated.

For               some               time               now,               educators               and               counselors               have               debated               the               cause               of               child               prodigy               --               be               it               innate               talent,               support,               coaching               and               encouragement               by               parents               or               some               magical               combination               of               both.

But               regardless               of               cause               Courtney               and               others               continue               to               inspire               and               show               us               what               humans               of               any               age               or               background               are               capable               of               when               empowered               to               pursue               their               dreams.

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