2013년 11월 23일 토요일

About 'concordia university'|OT: Minnesota Blogger Conference Sat 10/12 Concordia University

About 'concordia university'|OT: Minnesota Blogger Conference Sat 10/12 Concordia University

This               is               the               end               of               suffragette               series               Previously               published               in               Examiner
               Nurses               who               were               serving               in               World               War               I               were               exclusively               given               the               right               to               vote               in               the               federal               election.
               As               early               as               1917,               women               who               were               British               subjects               were               allowed               to               vote               in               the               federal               election               on               behalf               of               their               husbands               or               close               relations               (not               themselves)               who               were               off               at               war.
               Still,               foreign-born               subjects               or               naturalized               as               citizens               who               became               citizens               as               early               as               1902               (a               period               of               15               years               as               a               citizen               before)               were               denied               the               vote.
               Conscientious               objectors               were               also               denied               the               right               to               vote.
               By               1918,               white               women               could               vote               in               a               federal               election               and               by               1920               they               could               hold               public               office.

(For               more               info               on               that               see               article,               When               Women               Were               Not               Considered               to               be               Persons).
               Most               women               of               colour:               Black,               Chinese               etc               did               not               get               the               right               to               vote               until               the               1940s.
               Under               the               Indian               Act,               Native               women               could               not               vote               in               band               councils               until               1951;               and               they               could               not               vote               in               a               federal               election               before               1960.
               Believe               it               or               not,               full               right               to               vote               was               never               granted               to               Canadian               women               until               1960.
               The               reason               for               that               is               because               not               all               the               provinces               had               given               women               the               right               to               vote               on               the               provincial               level.

Women               could               hold               public               office               on               the               federal               level;               yet,               still               did               not               have               the               right               to               vote               everywhere               in               Canada!
               Manitoba               gave               women               the               right               to               vote               in               1915.

The               campaign               to               bring               this               about               was               headed               by               Mrs.

Amelia               Burritt,               a               94-year-old               woman!
               Quebec               only               gave               women               the               right               to               vote               in               1940.
               If               you               are               interested               in               women's               issues               in               Montreal,               there               are               good               programs               available               such               as               the               Women's               studies               Program               at               Concordia               University.
               In               Montreal               if               you               have               a               woman's               human               rights               issue               you               can               contact:
               Women's               Rights               Program
               Canadian               Human               Rights               Foundation               
               1425               René-Lévesque               Blvd.

West,               #407               
               Montreal,               Québec               H3G               1T7,               Canada               
               Tel:               1-514-954-0382               
               Fax:               1-514-954-0659
               Montreal               Women's               Referral               Centre

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