2013년 11월 28일 목요일

About 'north central university'|16 Year Old Aims For Law Degree at North Carolina Central University

About 'north central university'|16 Year Old Aims For Law Degree at North Carolina Central University

On               Sunday               February               4th,               the               Raleigh               N&O               reported               that               the               friends               and               family               of               the               Duke               Lacrosse               team               walked               to               show               their               support               for               the               accused               players.

One               team               member,               Matt               Weaver,               expressed               his               feeling               that               they               were               not               just               prosecuting               the               players               charged,               but               that               they               were               prosecuting               lacrosse               itself.
               It               may               be               what               drove               K.


Kercher,               the               mother               of               a               player               who               gave               up               Duke               for               the               University               of               Maryland               as               the               case               unfolded.

Many               of               the               people               in               the               article               express               their               disappointment               with               the               criminal               justice               system.
               The               march               started               at               the               Durham               courthouse               near               District               Attorney               Mike               Nifong's               office               through               downtown               Durham               and               onto               the               Duke               Campus,               ending               at               the               lacrosse               field               per               the               article.
               It               was               described               as               a               dignified               and               quiet               walk               with               some               people               wearing               buttons               that               said,               "Innocent               until               Proven               Guilty".
               In               addition               to               the               walk,               the               N&O               reported               earlier               that               North               Carolina               Governor               Mike               Easley               had               gotten               District               Attorney               Mike               Nifong's               word               that               he               would               not               run               for               a               full               term               if               he               was               appointed               to               the               vacant               DA               spot               in               Durham.

It               appears               that               if               there               were               such               a               gentleman's               agreement               that               DA               Nifong               clearly               broke               it.
               For               those               not               familiar               with               the               Duke               Lacrosse               case               it               started               when               an               exotic               dancer               who               was               hired               to               dance               at               party               at               the               house               where               the               Lacrosse               team               stayed               complained               that               she               was               raped.
               It               might               have               been               handled               better               but               DA               Nifong               started               holding               press               meetings               on               the               case.

The               press               had               a               field               day               and               told               every               thing               they               could               from               the               dancer's               side               of               the               story.
               During               the               process               DA               Nifong               had               three               Duke               students               indicted               for               rape.

Some               people               at               North               Carolina               Central               University               took               the               position               in               the               press               that               this               was               a               racially               motivated               thing.
               The               president               of               Duke               ended               the               lacrosse               season               and               fired               the               coach.
               This               all               happened               without               any               actual               open               hearing               on               what               had               happened.
               The               story               got               more               interesting               when               it               was               found               that               DA               Nifong               may               have               evidence               that               exonerates               one               or               more               students.
               Then               the               NC               State               Bar               brings               charges               against               DA               Nifong               who               decides               to               hand               over               the               case               to               the               State               Attorney               General.

He               also               dismisses               the               rape               charge               at               about               the               same               time.
               Next               the               young               dancer               has               a               baby               just               about               exactly               nine               months               from               the               time.

The               baby               is               not               related               by               DNA               to               anyone               on               the               lacrosse               team.
               Although               both               sides               say               they               have               information,               no               real               information               that               is               supported               by               fact               has               been               revealed               to               the               public.
               The               NC               Attorney               General's               office               has               assigned               the               case               and               all               of               the               facts               are               currently               being               reviewed.

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