2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'regent university'|Gingrich Intends to Pack Courts with Judges from Regent and Liberty University, Federalist Society

About 'regent university'|Gingrich Intends to Pack Courts with Judges from Regent and Liberty University, Federalist Society

Some               have               accused               the               Bush               Administration               of               being               far               too               cozy               with               the               religious               right               and               the               agenda               of               dominion               that               they               ascribe               to.

Others               have               reacted               that               the               accusations               are               unfounded.

The               fact               that               the               Bush               Administration               has               150               graduates               of               Pat               Robertson's               low               rated               and               just               recently               accredited               law               school               might               suggest               the               former.

This               revelation               isn't               news               to               the               faithful,               it               is               even               on               the               Regent               University               website.

It               is               news               to               those               of               us               concerned               that               the               Bush               Administration               is               in               bed               with               the               far               right               of               the               religious               base.

You               know,               the               same               30%               that               for               some               unexplainable               reason               still               think               Mr.

Bush               is               doing               a               good               job.

You               know,               the               group               who               likely               believes               that               the               occupation               of               Iraq               is               just               going               great.

I               suppose               if               you               think               that               the               earth               was               created               in               six               days               or               that               it's               only               6,000               years               old,               or               that               two               of               all               the               animals               on               earth               once               rode               on               a               wooden               boat,               the               Bush               Presidency               being               a               success               isn't               such               a               stretch.

The               school               was               founded               in               1986               as               the               CBN               University               Law               School.

The               American               Bar               Association               (ABA)               denied               accreditation               in               1987.

It               gave               the               school               provisional               accreditation               in               1989.

Full               accreditation               by               the               ABA               didn't               occur               until               1996.
               The               fact               that               150               grads               of               the               illustrious               Regent               law               school               being               in               the               Bush               Administration               came               to               widespread               light               because               of               Monica               Goodling.

The               Regent               grad               1999               quit               the               Justice               Department               last               week.

Just               a               few               days               after               she               had               refused               to               testify               before               Congress               by               pleading               the               Fifth               Amendment.

She               had               virtually               no               prosecutor               experience               before               landing               a               job               at               the               top               levels               of               the               Justice               Department.

She               served               as               Justice               liaison               for               the               White               House               and               was               deeply               involved               with               evaluating               the               nation's               federal               prosecutors.

It               is               the               handling               of               the               firings               of               several               prosecutors               which               has               led               to               the               controversy               that               will               most               likely               cost               Attorney               General               Alberto               Gonzales               his               job.
               The               law               school               at               Regent               University               was               once               ranked               in               the               lowest               tier               by               U.S.

News               and               World               Reports               college               survey.

On               its               own               website's               admissions               page,               Regent               states               that               it               seeks               to               admit               "students               who               are               serious               about               the               critical               roles               they               will               assume               as               future               counselors,               conciliators,               defenders               of               the               faith,               effective               client               advocates               and               followers               of               Christ."               Later               it               adds               "Regent               Law               seeks               men               and               women               who               are               dedicated               to               becoming               Christian               leaders               who               will               change               the               world               for               Christ."               I               would               think               that               a               law               school               might               say               that               it               hopes               its               students               become               good               interpreters               of               the               law,               or               defenders               of               the               Constitution,               or               something               along               those               lines.

But               the               Princeton               Review               did               at               one               time               rank               the               school               second               in               the               nation               in               the               likelihood               that               graduates               would               receive               a               fellowship               at               a               conservative               think               tank!
               The               website               of               Regent               Law               tells               of               an               upcoming               symposium               to               "Celebrate               400th               anniversary               of               Jamestown               settlement."               A               keynote               speaker               is               the               Chief               Justice               of               the               Supreme               Court               of               Virginia.

Another               is               Deputy               U.S.

Attorney               General               Paul               McNulty.

Topics               include               "Liberty,               the               Rule               of               Rule               of               Law,               and               religion               today."               I               doubt               they               will               be               discussing               the               need               for               a               separation               of               church               and               state.
               Regent               is               a               televangelist               founded               school,               started               by               the               infamous               Pat               Robertson.

The               idea               is               for               graduates               to               be               the               agents               of               change               in               America.

They               think               of               the               big               issues               are               abortion,               stem               cell               research,               and               gay               marriage.

Driving               an               agenda               instead               of               focusing               on               the               law.

They               are               training               people               to               make               arguments               based               on               the               bible               to               push               the               far               right               agenda               of               hate,               exclusion               and               corporate               war               for               god               and               country.
               One               of               the               faculty               support               pages               on               website               quotes               Ephesians               6,               6-7               Obey               them               not               only               to               win               their               favor               when               their               eye               is               on               you,               but               like               slaves               of               Christ,               doing               the               will               of               god               from               your               heart.

Serve               wholeheartedly,               as               if               you               were               serving               the               lord,               not               men.

Good               advice               for               a               preacher,               not               so               much               for               government               lawyers.

So,               is               the               Bush               Administration               hiring               the               best               legal               minds               the               country               can               offer,               or               attorneys               that               can               help               with               the               Christo-Fascist               agenda?
               Sources:               MSNBC's               Countdown               with               Kieth               Olbermann,               www.regent.edu

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