2013년 11월 27일 수요일

About 'online education schools'|EDUCATION: Online schools have rapid growth

About 'online education schools'|EDUCATION: Online schools have rapid growth

The               internet               has               changed               a               lot               of               things               but               perhaps               nothing               has               been               impacted               as               much               education.

It's               a               fact:               anyone               with               an               internet               hookup               can               enroll               for               classes               that               enable               them               to               study               virtually               any               subject               at               any               time               and               at               any               place               -               without               ever               having               to               worry               about               setting               foot               in               a               classroom.

The               virtual               classrooms               of               the               new               millennium               are               open               to               anyone               --               no               matter               how               much               or               how               little               education               they               have               in               the               first               place.

Don't               believe               me?

According               to               elearners.com,               online               education               continues               to               grow               faster               than               any               other               facet               of               education               because               it's               so               darn               accessible.
               And               that's               the               way               it               should               be.

Men               and               women               who               otherwise               wouldn't               have               the               opportunity               to               take               classes               and               study               due               to               career,               family               and               time               restraints               can               seek               out               educational               opportunities               like               never               before.
               No               Lines               When               You're               Online
               When               I               was               in               college,               classes               always               seemed               to               interfere               with               two               things:               my               personal               life               and               sports.

That               I               graduated               is               more               a               testament               to               my               dear               'ol               mum               kicking               me               in               the               seat               of               my               pants               than               to               any               academic               yearnings               I               may               have               entertained.

Fortunately               for               me,               online               classes               allow               me               time               to               devote               to               my               family               and               the               gym               and               I               don't               have               to               worry               about               long               lines               at               registration,               traffic               or               being               late               for               class.

I               suspect               I'm               not               the               only               one               that               has               tuned               in               to               these               great               on-line               benefits               and               more.
               Having               established               that,               let               it               be               said               that               every               on-line               class               has               its               own               procedures               for               attendance               and               homework,               but               according               to               findaschool.org,               students               will               typically               post               their               homework               on               a               virtual               bulletin               board               so               your               instructor               and               other               students               can               leave               comments.

Some               classes               gather               weekly               for               online               "chats"               between               teacher               and               students               and               others               still               encourage               the               use               of               webcams               in               order               to               get               more               up               close               and               personal.
               The               Program               That's               Right               for               YOU
               I'm               hard-pressed               to               think               of               any               particular               subject               that               isn't               offered               online.

So               given               the               number               of               online               class               opportunities               it's               important               to               do               your               research.

In               the               same               way               that               some               brick-and-mortar               universities               are               better               than               others,               so               it               is               with               online               schools.

There               are               some               great               resources               out               there               to               help               you.

The               best               of               which               just               may               be               the               Online               Education               Database               (www.oedb.org               )               which               posts               reviews               of               accredited               online               programs.

Another               is               free-ed.net.

And               speaking               of               accredited               programs,               those               are               the               ones               you               may               want               to               consider               most               as               accredited               programs               are               usually               those               most               valued               by               employers.
               Show               Me               the               Money
               Many               online               educators               point               out               that               these               days               online               college               course               cost               almost               as               much               as               traditional               classes               do.

So               again               do               your               homework               -               pardon               the               pun               -               and               take               a               close               look               at               financial               aide               programs,               employers               partial               pay               programs,               scholarships               and               grants.

A               great               resource               is               online-education.net.
               Take               the               Next               Step
               The               only               thing               missing               now               is               YOU.

Every               day               you               put               off               continuing               your               education               is               another               day               wasted.

You               had               a               great               excuse               before               online               education               came               to               the               fore:               school               was               too               far,               too               crowded,               too               this               and               too               that.
               Now               its               just               you               and               the               prof!
               Come               on...what               are               you               waiting               for?

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