2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'sullivan university'|...interpretation of his own remarks or Sullivan's. Bremer further clarified what he meant at Michigan State University on October 6, 2004. Tracy Burton of the Lansing...

About 'sullivan university'|...interpretation of his own remarks or Sullivan's. Bremer further clarified what he meant at Michigan State University on October 6, 2004. Tracy Burton of the Lansing...

Reason               for               the               Trip               It               was               a               semi-spontaneous               trip               abroad.

Actually,               it               had               been               in               the               back               of               my               mind               for               a               while,               but               not               actually               planned               until               about               a               month               ahead               when               the               planets               seemed               to               be               aligning               favorably.

I               went               primarily               to               attend               my               daughter's               graduation               ceremony               at               which               she               would               receive               her               Master               of               Science               in               Urban               Design               degree               from               the               Edinburgh               College               of               Art,               conferred               by               the               University               of               Edinburgh.

Because               the               graduation               was               on               the               day               after               Thanksgiving               (NOT               a               holiday               in               the               UK),               I               was               able               to               squeeze               in               a               nine-day               vacation               by               taking               only               four               days               off               from               work.

I               also               knew               that               it               would               be               "low               season"               in               Edinburgh               and               I               might               be               able               to               catch               a               low               airfare               and               a               reasonably               priced               holiday               flat               rental.
               The               reason               why               it               was               last-minute?

Because               my               husband               and               I               had               just               been               to               Scotland               in               August               and               our               daughter               was               home               in               October               and               planning               to               come               home               for               Christmas.

So               it               was               frivolous               for               me               to               head               back               across               the               pond               in               November.

But               I               wanted               to               see               her               get               her               degree               in               the               ornate               semi-circular               McEwan               Hall               with               its               two               levels               of               balconies,               enormous               pipe               organ,               and               all               the               top               brass               of               the               university               in               Harry               Potter-esque               flowing               robes               with               colorful               trim               and               hoods.

I               also               love               an               excuse               to               be               in               Edinburgh,               one               of               the               best               cities               in               the               world.
               Planning               for               the               Trip
               Following               the               steps               in               my               recent               How               to               be               Your               Own               Travel               Agent               article,               I               began               by               researching               air               fares.

This               took               several               days               of               scanning               websites               and               I               enlisted               my               daughter               (expert               at               the               "bargain               fare"               websites)               to               help.

If               I               had               been               willing               to               fly               from               Baltimore               to               Scotland               with               layovers               in               Denver,               Stockholm,               and               Ankhara,               I               could               have               gotten               a               fabulous               bargain               fare.

The               best               we               found               that               was               actually               feasible               was               to               fly               from               Philadelphia               to               Manchester,               England               on               US               Air               for               $566               all               fees               included.

I               would               catch               a               ride               up               to               PHL               (about               90               miles               from               home)               and               take               the               train               from               Manchester               to               Edinburgh,               which               was               only               about               37               GBPs               (fifty-ish               dollars)               each               way.
               I               had               originally               hoped               to               stay               with               my               daughter               in               her               flat               (ultra-economical               lodging,               or               put               differently,               housing               we               were               already               paying               for!).

However,               she               was               going               to               be               in               transition               between               flats               and               it               became               clear               that               I               would               need               my               own               place.

Once               again,               she               looked               for               student-style               bargain               housing               for               me               on               the               "Gumtree"               website               (kind               of               a               UK               Craigslist)               while               I               looked               at               the               more               conventional               holiday               flat               rentals               on               line.

I               found               a               "last               minute               deal"               (actually               a               "late               renter               discount")               for               a               flat               on               Chapel               Wynd,               just               below               Edinburgh               Castle               in               the               Grassmarket               area.

Given               the               fabulous               location,               360               GBPs               (about               $500)               for               8               nights               seemed               worth               it.

We               were               even               able               to               save               by               not               paying               the               credit               card               surcharge-my               daughter               had               the               cost               debited               from               her               Royal               Bank               of               Scotland               account.

(This               is               a               common               way               of               paying               for               things               in               Scotland.)
               And               the               third               part               of               the               planning               was               activities.

We               lined               up               tickets               for               a               concert               at               Usher               Hall               with               Scottish               Marine               Band               and               the               Gilbert               and               Sullivan               Society               (chorus).

We               also               booked               tickets               at               Traverse               Theatre               for               the               Scottish               Dance               Theatre               performance.

And               we               booked               our               seats               at               the               cinema               to               see               the               Harry               Potter               film               just               released.

That,               plus               the               graduation               ceremony               and               post-graduation               lunch               with               friends,               was               just               about               enough               pre-planned               activity.
               What               Worked,               What               Did               not               Work,               and               What               I               Learned
               The               part               about               "catching               a               ride"               to               Philadelphia               was               problematic.
               My               husband               drove               me               and               it               was               an               endless               rush               hour               traffic               jam.

And               on               the               return               trip               I               booked               a               flight               from               PHL               to               BWI               for               $127,               just               to               save               him               another               difficult               driving               trip               in               post-Thanksgiving               traffic.
               Flying               from               Philadelphia               to               Manchester               worked               fine,               except               for               delays               at               the               Manchester               Airport.
               US               Airways               did               a               superb               job               gathering               us               into               the               plane               and               transporting               us               swiftly               and               safely               to               Manchester.

Our               flight               was               early               until               the               Manchester               air               traffic               controllers               put               us               into               a               holding               pattern               around               the               airport               due               to               traffic               congestion.

Then,               once               we               finally               landed,               our               plane               sat               on               the               tarmac,               far               from               the               airport,               waiting               to               be               allowed               to               taxi               into               the               airport.

Again,               there               was               an               airplane               traffic               jam.

Instead               of               being               early,               we               were               a               good               45               minutes               late               due               to               plane               congestion               at               the               airport.
               Running               to               catch               the               train               from               Manchester               to               Edinburgh               was               stupid.
               I               literally               jogged               through               the               airport               to               the               train               station               (with               my               luggage               dragging               along               behind               me)               because               my               late               flight               made               the               connection               almost               impossible.

Once               I               caught               sight               of               my               train,               still               there,               at               10:01               (scheduled               to               leave               at               10:00),               my               passion/desperation               to               make               it               onto               the               train               caused               me               to               trip               and               fall               right               there               on               the               platform               next               to               the               train.

I               leapt               up,               dusted               myself               off,               and               kept               moving               right               onto               the               train,               with               the               conductor               helping               with               my               bags.

I               cleaned               up               my               scraped               knee               and               put               a               bandage               on               it               and               strangely               thought               how               my               fall               actually               helped               me               to               make               the               train.
               This               was               a               stupid               line               of               thought               because               I               was               actually               a               lot               more               injured               than               I               realized.

Over               the               next               hours               and               days,               my               left               knee,               lower               leg,               and               foot               turned               many               shades               of               purple               and               swelled               up               like               a               balloon.

Amazingly,               this               did               not               actually               affect               my               ability               to               walk.

So               I               carried               on               with               the               trip               and               ignored               my               leg               to               the               extent               possible.
               Ten               days               later               I               am               now               home               and               my               leg               still               looks               terrible.

I               should               not               have               run               to               make               that               train.

I               should               have               had               the               self-control               to               watch               it               pull               away               and               then               re-booked               on               a               later               train,               even               if               it               was               not               direct               and               would               take               a               lot               longer.
               The               flat               in               Chapel               Wynd               near               Edinburgh               Castle               was               delightful.
               The               location,               ambience,               space,               layout,               quiet,               view               of               Edinburgh               Castle               were               all               great.

We               were               a               block               from               a               Sainsbury's               grocery               store.

We               were               a               block               from               my               daughter's               new               flat.

(I               helped               her               move               her               stuff               while               I               was               there.)               We               were               within               easy               walking               distance               of               all               our               planned               activities.

We               only               took               bus               or               cab               to               the               train               station               and               on               a               mission               to               IKEA               way               out               in               the               suburbs.

The               flat               had               TV,               internet,               laundry               machine               and               all               worked               like               a               charm.

Through               a               combination               of               good               planning,               good               research,               and               good               luck,               this               part               of               the               trip               was               extremely               successful.
               Flying               all               the               way               to               Scotland               to               see               a               child               graduate               from               university               is               worth               it.
               The               ceremony               was               majestic,               preceded               by               an               organ               concert               on               a               huge               traditional               pipe               organ,               and               many               of               the               male               students               (graduands)               were               in               full               highland               dress-kilt,               sporran,               Scottish-style               jacket,               knee               socks-the               works.

The               cut               of               the               academic               robe               reveals               the               outfit               beneath               more               so               than               at               U.S.


Further,               each               graduand               not               only               had               his               or               her               name               and               degree               pronounced               and               received               a               diploma,               but               was               also               tapped               on               the               head               by               the               Vice-Chancellor               of               the               University               of               Edinburgh               with               an               ancient               academic               "bonnet"!

Anyone               who               has               read               Harry               Potter               books               will               recognize               this               as               the               likely               origin               of               the               "sorting               hat"               at               Hogwarts.

This               has               to               be               what               gave               J.K.

Rowling               the               idea.

I               was               very,               very               glad               to               be               there               to               see               my               daughter               in               her               distinctive               academic               costume               receiving               her               bonk               on               the               head               and               to               applaud               for               her.
               The               planned               activities               were               all               fun,               logistically               quite               easy,               and               not               expensive.
               The               dance               program               was               very               thought-provoking               and               enjoyable               in               an               edgy,               modern               sort               of               way.

The               band               and               G               &               S               concert               was               stirring,               very               traditional,               and               yet               included               some               surprises,               such               as               the               theme               from               Hawaii               Five-O               and               music               from               West               Side               Story.

But               the               high               point               was               Hail               Britannia,               no               question               about               that.

Seeing               Harry               Potter               and               the               Deathly               Hallows               Part               One               in               Edinburgh               (where               J.K.

Rowling               commenced               writing               the               series               in               a               coffee               shop)               was               a               real               treat.

The               graduation               and               post-graduation               lunch               were               memorable.
               As               for               spontaneous               activities,               we               put               together               a               Thanksgiving               dinner               and               included               an               American               friend;               I               went               to               volleyball               practice               with               my               daughter               and               met               her               coach;               and               we               bought               some               essentials               for               her               new               flat               at               IKEA.

The               planned               vs.

spontaneous               mix               was               just               about               perfect.

And               there               was               also               time               for               just               relaxing               in               the               flat.
               It               is               very               cold               and               wet               in               Edinburgh               in               late               November               and               one               should               be               prepared               for               full               out               winter               conditions.

The               days               are               also               quite               short.
               I               had               been               warned               and               therefore               packed               full               winter               gear-except               boots.

I               inherited               some               boots               from               my               daughter               that               proved               to               be               just               right               to               fill               that               gap               (and               also               worked               well               with               the               swollen               foot).

The               first               three               days               of               my               visit               it               just               poured               with               rain,               but               our               theatre               outings               were               unaffected.

The               day               of               the               graduation               was               sunny               but               cold.

And               just               before               I               left               there               was               a               big               snow.
               As               it               turned               out,               that               big               snow               in               Scotland               slowed               down               the               trains,               making               me               miss               my               connection               in               Darlington,               and               extending               my               travel               day               by               several               hours.

However,               I               later               learned               that               all               flights               were               cancelled               out               of               Edinburgh               airport               for               several               days.

This               means               that               my               strategy               of               taking               the               train               to               Manchester               and               flying               from               that               city               in               Northern               England               was               brilliant!

Ah,               hindsight.
               The               flights               home               were               relatively               uneventful,               other               than               my               suitcase               disappearing               from               the               carousel.

A               woman               with               an               identical               suitcase               took               it               and               was               halfway               home               when               the               US               Air               baggage               rep               called               her               and               pointed               out               her               error.
               All               in               all,               it               was               a               successful               trip               despite               the               bumps               and               bruises.

But               I               am               very               glad               to               be               home               and               not               traveling               again               for               a               while.
               Personal               experience

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