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2013년 11월 30일 토요일

About 'accredited online mba programs'|Exploring the Many Sides of MBA Online Degree Programs

About 'accredited online mba programs'|Exploring the Many Sides of MBA Online Degree Programs

AACSB               stands               for               "Association               to               Advance               Collegiate               Schools               of               Business".

Accreditation               from               the               AACSB               is               the               "gold-standard"               for               collegiate               schools               of               business.

If               you               plan               on               pursuing               a               post-graduate               degree               in               your               future,               or               you               just               want               to               make               sure               you               get               a               quality               eduction               making               sure               that               your               degree               comes               from               a               school               bearing               AACSB               accreditation               is               a               smart               thing               to               do.

Unfortunately,               most               MBA               programs               at               AACSB               accredited               universities               are               "brick-and-mortar"               programs.

This               means               you               have               to               physically               go               to               class.

This               may               or               may               not               be               possible,               depending               on               your               employment               or               family               situation.

On-line               MBA               programs               are               everywhere.

There               are               ads               for               them               all               over               the               Internet.

Unfortunately,               most               of               these               programs               are               not               accredited               by               the               AACSB.

This               may               not               be               a               problem               for               you               now,               but               if               you               ever               want               to               pursue               a               post-graduate               degree               the               coursework               you               take               at               a               non-AACSB               accredited               school               will               not               be               considered.

This               amounts               to               time               wasted.
               After               searching               the               Internet,               I               found               two               decent               on-line               MBA               programs               and               a               decent               Masters               of               Accountancy               program.

Hopefully               this               information               will               help               you               pick               a               graduate               business               program               that               fits               in               your               schedule               and               contains               the               very               important               accreditation.
               The               University               of               Mississippi               PMBA               Program
               For               those               unfamiliar               with               the               south,               the               University               of               Mississippi               is               better               known               as               "Ole               Miss".

The               main               campus               is               located               in               Oxford,               MS.

There               are               a               few               other               campuses               located               within               the               state,               including               one               in               Southaven.

Southaven               is               a               suburb               of               Memphis,               TN.
               The               University               of               Mississippi               has               a               very               reputable               program,               and               is               considered               prestigious               in               its               own               right.

The               PMBA               program               at               Ole               Miss               takes               just               four               regular               school               semesters               and               two               summer               sessions               to               complete.

There               are               thirty-three               hours               of               coursework               necessary,               and               most               of               it               is               completed               via               the               Internet.

There               is               a               limited               number               of               on-campus               meetings.

Despite               the               meetings,               this               method               is               much               more               convenient               than               traditional               programs.
               Non-MS               resident               tuition               for               an               MBA               program               is               $776               per               credit               hour.

You               can               find               out               more               about               this               program               here.
               The               University               of               Wisconsin               MBA               Consortium
               The               University               of               Wisconsin               also               offers               an               AACSB               accredited               on-line               MBA               program.

The               main               campus               associated               with               this               program               is               in               Eau               Claire,               WI.

The               program               is               a               thirty-hour               program               that               can               be               completed               in               two               years.

The               program               is               a               little               more               relaxed               than               the               University               of               Mississippi               counterpart               as               there               are               no               cohort               classes.

There               aren't               any               required               campus               visits               with               this               program               either.
               Non-WI               resident               tuition               is               the               same               as               resident               tuition.

Tuition               is               set               at               $600               per               credit               hour.

You               can               find               out               more               about               this               program               on               a               very               informative               website.
               Florida               Atlantic               University               Master               of               Accountancy               Program
               Florida               Atlantic               University,               aka               FAU,               has               it's               roots               in               South               Florida.

The               main               campus               is               located               in               gorgeous               Boca               Raton.

This               school               offers               a               unique               Master               in               Accountancy               program               which               specializes               in               forensic               accounting.

Forensic               accounting               is               a               hot               topic               in               business               these               days.

This               program               is               a               cohort               program               and               you               can               complete               the               courses               in               a               variety               of               ways.

You               can               go               to               scheduled               lectures.

You               can               view               the               lectures               on               your               laptop               live.

You               can               even               have               the               school               overnight               you               a               tape               or               DVD               of               the               lecture               to               watch.
               This               program               is               all-inclusive.

Someone               will               be               your               main               content               and               they               will               get               all               your               required               course               materials               to               you.

There's               no               additional               cost               for               books.

Unfortunately,               I               could               not               locate               any               tuition               information               on               their               website.

However,               I               inquired               about               the               cost               and               the               quote               I               got               was               very               high.

I               have               not               included               the               cost               in               this               article,               as               it's               subject               to               change               at               any               time.

I               encourage               you               to               contact               the               school               directly               if               you               are               interested,               as               it               is               a               great               program.

I               will               also               tell               you               this:               there's               a               taxation               degree               that               is               less               expensive               than               the               forensic               degree.
               You               can               get               more               information               about               the               FAU               program               by               visiting               the               program               website.
               I               have               presented               to               you               two               on-line               MBA               programs               that               are               AACSB               accredited               and               a               Master               of               Accountancy               program               that               is               AACSB               accredited.

I               hope               this               will               help               you               determine               which               school               is               right               for               you.

While               other               on-line               programs               may               be               adequate               for               your               needs,               it's               worthwhile               to               at               least               consider               a               program               that               is               AACSB               accredited.

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accredited online mba programs

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    accredited online mba programs

    2013년 11월 28일 목요일

    About 'mba course online'|Financing Your Online MBA Course

    About 'mba course online'|Financing Your Online MBA Course

    I               started               my               MBA               at               the               same               school               where               I               received               my               undergraduate               degree.

    At               the               time,               I               did               not               feel               as               if               I               had               a               lot               of               options               as               far               as               school               choices               due               to               my               undergrad               GPA.

    During               my               undergrad               years,               I               placed               more               value               on               life               experiences               than               I               did               on               doing               my               homework,               which               resulted               in               me               having               a               less               than               stellar               GPA.

    When               I               chose               to               being               an               MBA               program,               I               did               so               with               the               expectation               the               classes               would               prove               to               be               challenging.

    A               finance               class               was               one               of               the               first               classes               I               took               during               my               first               semester               as               an               MBA               student.

    I               eagerly               signed               up               for               the               class               as               it               was               taught               by               the               professor               that               is               purportedly               the               best               finance               professor               in               the               entire               school.

    I               was               eager               to               soak               up               everything               I               possibly               could               from               this               class.

    By               the               third               meeting               of               the               finance               class               I               was               no               longer               under               the               illusion               that               I               would               be               soaking               up               a               lot               of               material,               let               alone               anything               of               any               value               at               all.

    It               was               in               this               meeting               of               the               class               that               the               professor               announced               that               for               the               next               few               meetings               of               the               class               that               we               would               be               watching               the               Enron               movie.

    This               was               the               television               movie,               which               incidentally               is               available               for               rental               at               Blockbuster               for               under               $5.00.

    However,               my               graduate               level               MBA               finance               class               was               costing               me               around               $800.

    Upon               realizing               that               I               was               spending               $800               to               watch               at               $5               movie,               I               knew               I               needed               to               look               for               a               new               school               as               this               program               was               not               going               to               be               challenging               in               any               manner.
                   Knowing               that               my               undergrad               GPA               was               bordering               on               pathetic,               I               was               a               loss               of               where               I               could               transfer               into               another               program.

    I               was               a               traditional               school               snob,               but               felt               that               the               only               place               I               could               look               was               online               schools.

    Online               schools               seem               to               have               such               a               stigma               about               them               that               I               expected               to               find               no               real               answers               in               evaluating               them.
                   The               first               thing               I               noticed               about               online               programs               was               that               the               cost               was               more               than               double               what               I               was               paying               at               a               traditional               school.

    Most               online               schools               seemed               to               charge               an               average               price               of               around               $1900               per               class,               whereas               I               was               paying               $800               for               my               current               classes.

    I               scrapped               that               idea               and               began               looking               for               state               schools               that               had               online               MBA               programs               and               came               across               the               Georgia               Web               MBA               program.

    It               was               more               in               my               cost               range,               however,               seeing               as               how               I               was               currently               attending               school               in               Tennessee               I               worried               that               a               school               in               Georgia               would               have               no               more               academic               rigors               than               where               I               was               currently               attending.

    That               put               me               back               to               looking               at               online               schools.
                   I               renewed               my               search               of               online               schools               by               looking               for               reviews               from               others               students,               news               articles               on               the               schools,               and               I               searched               for               the               names               of               the               schools               with               words               like               "scam"               and               "not               accredited"               to               see               if               I               got               results.

    I               got               no               hits               on               those               searches               other               than               learning               how               some               students               were               unhappy               with               University               of               Phoenix               classes,               because               the               postings               for               the               class               are               not               done               in               real-time               format.

    There               seemed               to               be               a               virtual               cornucopia               of               online               schools               providing               MBA               programs,               each               with               something               unique               about               them.
                   I               knew               that               I               needed               to               figure               out               what               I               wanted               from               an               online               program               to               make               sure               that               I               picked               one               that               was               the               right               fit               for               me.

    After               my               experience               at               a               traditional               school,               I               knew               that               I               wanted               to               be               challenged,               that               I               wanted               to               finish               up               as               soon               as               possible               and               that               I               wanted               to               actually               get               my               money's               worth.

    However,               I               did               not               want               to               spend               $2000               per               class               as               it               was               not               something               that               was               financially               feasible               for               me               at               the               time.

    I               also               knew               that               I               did               not               want               to               have               to               pick               up               any               undergrad               pre-reqs,               which               would               have               been               necessary               at               a               traditional               school.

    I               was               also               concerned               about               transferring               the               classes               I               had               already               taken.

    And               finally,               I               wanted               to               make               sure               it               would               not               be               a               useless               degree               from               a               school               that               would               get               me               laughed               out               of               every               job               interview.
                   In               reviewing               programs               at               Regis               University,               DeVry,               University               of               Phoenix,               Cardean               Univiversity               /               Ellis               College               of               NYIT,               American               Intercontinental,               Strayer               University,               Capella               University,               and               the               Colorado               State               Distance               MBA               program               I               noticed               that               most               schools               did               not               allow               you               to               transfer               very               many               classes.

    However,               Cardean               University               and               Ellis               College               of               NYIT               allowed               more               than               any               of               the               other               schools.

    Based               on               this               sole               reason,               I               chose               Cardean               University               as               my               online               school               of               choice.

    The               price               of               classes               was               still               to               much               for               me,               but               I               signed               up               for               their               mailing               list               and               planned               on               saving               up               some               money               until               I               could               begin               classes               there.

    A               couple               of               months               later               I               received               an               email               from               them               regarding               a               special               they               were               having,               called               'tuition               grants,'               where               new               students               that               registered               for               a               class               by               a               certain               date               could               get               a               discount               on               tuition               and               get               their               classes               at               $1250               each               instead               of               the               $1900.

    I               eagerly               sent               out               my               application.
                   The               application               process               was               easy               and               I               had               an               admissions               representative               that               stayed               in               contact               with               me               the               entire               time.

    I               had               to               fill               out               an               online               application               and               have               a               phone               interview               where               I               had               to               discuss               my               career               goals,               what               I               wanted               out               of               an               MBA               program               and               my               undergrad               studies,               specifically               the               reason               for               my               low               GPA.

    After               passing               that               stage,               I               was               given               an               account               login               to               test               out               a               sample               class               to               see               if               the               program               was               something               for               me.

    The               sample               class               was               actually               a               copy               of               the               class               which               would               be               my               first               class               if               I               decided               to               register               for               classes               with               Cardean.

    From               looking               at               the               sample               class,               I               could               see               that               work               was               due               on               a               weekly               basis,               which               made               sense               considering               that               classes               lasted               only               6               weeks               and               new               ones               began               every               3               weeks.

    It               was               also               clear               that               the               work               would               be               both               difficult               and               challenging.

    It               was               not               surprising               that               the               classes               were               challenging               as               Cardean               is               partnered               with               the               Chicago               School               of               Business,               the               London               School               of               Economics               and               Columbia               University.

    This               means               that               all               the               classes               were               originally               designed               by               faculty               at               these               schools.

    At               the               time               I               was               still               enrolled               in               classes               at               my               traditional               school,               but               chose               to               go               ahead               and               sign               up               for               Cardean               classes               as               well.

    I               was               excited               to               see               that               I               could               take               as               many               classes               at               once               as               I               could               pay               for               and               signed               up               for               2               classes.
                   At               the               time,               I               was               taking               an               economics               class               at               my               traditional               school,               Middle               Tennessee               State               University,               which               I               also               needed               to               sign               up               for               at               Cardean               as               they               would               only               allow               me               to               transfer               classes               which               I               had               already               completed.

    So,               I               was               taking               the               exact               same               class               in               course               name               at               both.

    The               first               week               of               the               Cardean               class               covered               everything               I               had               been               taught               at               my               traditional               school               for               the               past               2               months.

    When               I               took               the               Cardean               finance               class,               the               difference               was               even               greater               between               the               two               schools.

    Most               of               the               classes               that               I               took               through               Cardean               were               developed               by               the               Chicago               School               of               Business,               which               was               voted               as               the               best               business               school               in               America               by               Business               Week               in               October               of               2006.

    Columbia               ranked               #10               on               that               same               list.
                   I               recently               finished               up               my               MBA               at               Cardean               as               they               were               joining               with               Ellis               College               of               NYIT               to               offer               a               joint               degree               program.

    Cardean               students               are               now               given               the               option               of               what               school               they               want               listed               on               their               diploma,               which               may               be               appealing               to               some               people               as               Ellis               College               of               NYIT               has               a               brick-and-mortar               location               in               New               York.

    I               feel               like               I               not               only               got               a               great,               challenging               education,               but               that               I               got               a               real               steal               since               most               of               my               classes               came               from               the               #1               ranked               Chicago               School               of               Business               without               me               having               to               pay               that               steep               tuition.

    There               are               times               when               I               go               into               job               interviews               and               have               recruiters               snarl               their               noses               when               they               learn               that               my               degree               is               from               an               online               school.

    However,               once               I               tell               them               that               the               classes               came               from               the               Chicago               School               of               Business,               their               reaction               is               a               bit               more               positive.

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