About 'internet university'|Conference: "Speech, Privacy, and the Internet: The University and Beyond"
Several recent events have begun to suggest that the future of the Internet may be darker than technologists, law makers and average citizens might have dreamed. The twin bombings, for example, at the Boston Marathon, were reportedly done by two brothers who learned everything they needed to know to pull off such a stunt by searching on the Internet. As if that wasn't enough, they apparently became interested in committing acts of terrorism by reading material uploaded by Magomed Kartashov, someone who was already well known by the international terrorism fighting community. In a related story, falsely accused Brown University student Sunil Tripathiat drowned himself. He had been wrongly accused by various internet junkies on Reddit, of being the Boston bomber. Unable to endure the onslaught directed against him, he chose to end his life. Another sign of the dark power of the Internet-recently the stock market fell nearly a full percentage point due to a single Tweet. Some still unidentified person hacked their way into the AP newswire Twitter account and posted a bogus message about a bombing at the White House. That alone was enough to send the stock marker reeling for a couple of hours. Imagine if the person had more imagination. Also making news was the widespread release of rant posted to a web site by a young woman who ran a college sorority chapter. She was apparently not pleased with how her charges were performing their duties and made it clear in no uncertain terms. Sadly, at least for her, the note went viral, causing her to become the butt of jokes all across the nation. While most found the note rather humorous (despite being laced with obscenities) others were shocked to learn how easily a person's life can be ruined-the note will likely follow the woman the rest of her life. One "mistake" and she will be branded forever as the crazy sorority rant lady-impacting her career, personal relationships and perhaps even her overall quality of life. The same might be said for the army of young women around the world baring their bodies on the Internet for temporary financial gain. The Internet has become a huge public bulletin board where everything people do becomes a part of their permanent record. The list goes on. Recently in the news was a lawsuit brought (and won) against Google by a guy named Milorad Trkuljain. He had discovered that anyone Googling his name would find evidence of a criminal past. The problem was, that past was for a different man. This poor chap was simply caught in the crossfire. How many more will find themselves in the same predicament, with perhaps less resources to fight back? And of course, lest we forget the infamous case of the Craig's List killer-Richard James Beasley was recently sentenced to die for his crimes. Also, and perhaps not on most people's radar is a problem that hasn't made major headlines, but likely will very soon-the increasing use of the Internet to track people's locations using GPS data from their cell phones for nefarious purposes. All in all it appears that as the Internet continues to mature, more and more people will be harmed in ways that were unimaginable just a few decades ago. |
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Search Manipulation Technology for the Age of Immortality Education for All Children....and the few adults who (ACTUALLY) care and can prove it!
... with these free, Internet-based classes that can reach...the globe. Three law schools and universities will offer law-related MOOCs...
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